
Product naming

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Product naming

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Anywhere you look, you will find goods or services with boring, uninspired names that sometimes are hard to remember and other times convey no information about the nature of the product. It makes sense — finding a great name is hard.

Regardless of what you are selling, regardless of whether you need a serious or a humorous approach, the perfect name has to be:

  1. Relevant to the product (Can you guess what it is by name alone?)
  2. Attached to your brand identity (Is it consistent with previous business activity?)
  3. Memorable (Will you remember how to spell it?)
  4. Different than the competition (Will it grab your attention among the others?)
  5. Linguistically unique (Does it make SEO easy?)
  6. Pleasing to the ear (What will your friends think if you suggest it to them?)
  7. Appealing when written (Does it look great on marketing material?)

Don't let a rushed decision limit the success of your project. You did the hard work of creating an awesome product. Allow me to find the awesome name it deserves and stand out from the competition.

This naming service is appropriate for:

  • Physical products (e.g. snacks, beauty products, board games, hardware...)
  • Digital products or services (e.g. mobile apps, PC/console games, SaaS, digital lessons...)
  • Websites (e.g. e-shops, magazines, blogs, forums...)
  • Product lines or collections (e.g. apparel collections, health product lines, machinery model lines...)

All name proposals are in English. Potential fictional words will target English-speaking audiences.

After purchase, you will gain access to a digital form and will be asked to fill all information I need in order to understand your product, your brand identity and your target group. Try to be precise and comprehensive. When I finish my research, I will send you my name proposal. If you are not satisfied, you can give me feedback and receive a revised name. The process ends when you approve one name as final.

Estimated delivery time: one week or less (depends on load of placed orders)

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No refunds possible at this time.

If you are not satisfied with the name proposal you received, contact me and describe what you would like to be different. I will review my work at no additional cost.

Last updated May 28, 2023

One name for your product + unlimited revisions

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